
14 results

Journalism Award "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi" (Italy) - Opportunities

The Italian Association of Journalists seeks nominations for awards to excellence in multi-media journalism 

Lorenzo Natali Prize 2018 - Opportunities

An award granted by the European Commission to journalists who reported on development issues

Summer School: Journalism in the Era of Algorithms and AI - Opportunities

20 scholarships are offered to outstanding journalists from COE countries for the 7th edition of the CPMF’s Summer School

2018 Columbia Global Freedom of Expression prize - Opportunities

Judicial decisions and legal services that strengthen freedom of expression worldwide are eligible for the Columbia University awards

Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship - Opportunities

Index on Censorship offers 4 fellowships to free expression champions in journalism, campaigning, arts and digital activism

Call for Papers: Words that Kill, Paris, May 28-30th, 2018 - Opportunities

The George and Irina Schaeffer Center in Paris invites paper proposals that examine the continuum linking symbolic violence in the media and physical violence

Call for Applications: Regulating “Hate Speech” in the Media - Opportunities

ARTICLE 19 is inviting applications from representatives of audio-visual media regulatory bodies and press councils from across the European Union to participate in a two-day workshop in London on international legal standards on regulating hate speech in the media

Media freedom in volatile environments - OSCE Conference - Opportunities

The Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media will bring together over 200 international experts and journalists, government officials and diplomats, civil society representatives and academics for an upcoming conference on Media Freedom in Volatile Environments

Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners - Journalism in the digital age: responding to propaganda and fake news - Opportunities

The Summer School is organised by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florance, and will take place on 5-9 June 2017

Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards - Opportunities

Index on Censorship invites nominations inc artists for the annual Freedom of Expression award